Friday, August 12, 2011

Winter Park DH Helmet Cam Footie! 8/11/11

Many thanks to Justin Meyer for the generous donation of his gently-used old gear, which will now be put to use bringing you people to the slopes of Winter Park on the Trestle Bike Park downhill trails.  Just because I'm making it look easy doesn't mean it is...

If you don't throw up while watching the little screen, or while playing two of the little screens at once, then click on the video, go to youtube and watch the full screen.

This thing is called Beall Ucanbe

The ladder line - Free Speech to No Quarter
(youtube randomly gave me this still as the cover shot, which is totally awesome)

Upper Rainmaker to Double Jeopardy, where Reid eats it in the rock garden.  I apologize for not having the camera directly on him when this happened, but I was a little busy at the time. 

This is the longer run of Free Speech/No Quarter - best part is about 3 minutes in when I'm close behind Reid in the bulldozer jumps.